Community Yard Sale

Every year after spring cleaning, TGENA holds a community yard sale for the whole neighborhood.

The yard sale and the map of participating address will be advertised in the STL area to increase attendees. We will also print maps and have them for pick up at neighborhood business the morning of the sale.

Map printing will be paid for by the Tower Grove East Neighborhood Association (TGENA). Please consider joining to show your support of this and other neighborhood events. Get a membership HERE!

Can’t/don’t wanna host your own sale but still have things of value to part ways with?? Donate items to the Shenandoah PTO! Please designate your interest below for more information.

  • The deadline to sign up is Sunday, April 28th
  • Signing up by the deadline will get your sale designated on the “official” map
  • If you don’t have your own space, you may set up at Shenandoah Elementary School – please designate this on the sign up form
    • We suggest a donation of $5 to the PTO – who will be hosting their own sale at the school as a fundraiser – for use of their space
  • The yard sale will officially start at 9 AM
  • We will advertise a rain date of May 5th, in the case of unfavorable weather
  • How can you help? Make signs and post them around the neighborhood! Share the event on Facebook & other platforms!

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